刘青云 1970年生,女,九三学社山东省直属山东科技大学(济南)支社主委,九三学社山东省第八届委员会委员。博士,三级教授,博士生导师,化学学科带头人,山东省“应用化学一流专业”建设点负责人,应用化学系主任。主持国家自然基金面上项目、山东省自然科学基金面上项目等课题。在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Small,Carbon等知名杂志发表SCI论文300余篇,热点论文3篇,高被引论文15篇,引用次数10000余次,H因子51。授权国家发明专利9项。据中国科学院统计,纳米酶领域发文量,位列全国第三位,受邀参加了“纳米酶高峰论坛”。多次受邀作为分会场主持人、特邀报告人参加学术会议。论文得到了中国科学院院士、韩国两院院士、爱尔兰皇家科学院院士、国家杰青等知名专家的正面评价及引用。连续三年进入“全球顶尖前 10 万科学家榜单”中,2021年位列34344位;全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单中2023年位列45708位。获山东省“优秀研究生指导教师”、山东科技大学“教书育人楷模”、“教学名师”、“优秀教师”、“巾帼建功十大标兵”、“我心目中的好老师”、“大学生科技创新优秀指导教师”等荣誉称号;指导的硕士生丁亚男,获2019年度山东省优秀硕士学位论文;获山东省高校科技奖励2项。担任山东科技大学学报(自然科学版)编委两届(第九、十届);Advanced Materials Science and Technology(中科院二区,IF:5.5)编委。
联系方式:E-mail: qyliu@sdust.edu.cn
QQ: 381013469
5 山东自然科学基金面上项目(批准号ZR2024MB010)
6.山东省高校科研计划项目 (批准号J08LC11)
1. 一步法合成卟啉功能化的四氧化三钴纳米粒子的工艺(ZL201310105831.0)
2. 一步法制备卟啉功能化纳米硫化物的工艺(ZL201310547329.5)
3. 一种酞菁修饰的二氧化铈纳米粒子的制备方法(ZL201510209253.4)
4. 一种北二酰亚胺功能化的四氧化三铁纳米材料的制备方法(ZL201610372680.9)
5. 一步法制备卟啉功能化纳米硫化铜的工艺(ZL201510237338.3)
6. 一步法制备卟啉功能化纳米硫化锌的工艺(ZL201510237256.9)
7. 一种北二酰亚胺功能化的四氧化三钴纳米粒子的制备方法(ZL201610372692.1)
8. 一种北二酰亚胺功能化的氧化铜纳米复合材料的制备方法(ZL201610373657.1)
9. 一种咔咯修饰的四氧化三铁纳米复合材料的制备方法(ZL201610372782.0)
2 Wang, Liming; Chu, Ying; Cao, Bo; Zhang, Ruizhe; Hussain, Zakir*; Liu, Qingyun*, Cobalt (II) porphyrin nanoaggregates as sacrificial templates to improve the peroxidase-like activity of light-controlled TiO2-based nanozymes for colorimetric determination of amikacin, Talanta, 2025,281, 126889, JAN 1 2025. 一区
3 Ke Xue, Sha Li, Yuhan Ji, Qingyun Liu*, Enhanced Oxidase-Like Activity of Cerium Oxysulfate Clusters Nanozyme via Tetrapyrrole Organics Modification for Integration of Detection and Degradation of Antibiotic, Talanta, 286, 127472. May 1 2025. 一区
4 Chu, Ying; Yin, Dexin; Wang, Zhiwei; Li, Guijiang; Wang, Yijie*; Liu, Qingyun*; Yue, Kang*, Porphyrin modified ZnCo2O4 nanospheres as the excellent peroxidase/oxidase dual nanozymes for colorimetric sensing of cholesterol, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2025,705,135685,JAN 20, 2025. 二区
1. Li, Ning; Pan, Chenliang; Lu, Guang; Pan, Houhe; Han, Yuesheng; Wang, Kang*; Jin, Peng*; Liu, Qingyun*; Jiang, Jianzhuang*, Hydrophobic Trinuclear Copper Cluster-Containing Organic Framework for Synergetic Electrocatalytic Synthesis of Amino Acids. Advanced Materials 2024, 36 (5), e2311023. (一区 2023-12-05)
2. Zhu, Xixi; Li, Hongyu; Hou, Shutong; Song, Peng; Zheng, Jinlong*; Wu, Tao; Zhao, Hui; Liu, Qingyun*, A novel three-stage continuous sensing platform for H2O2 and cholesterol based on CuFeS2 nanozyme: Theoretical calculation and experimental verification. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 482. (一区)
3. Zhao, Qifeng; Li, Yuanhao; Xu, Chang; Li, Chunxiao; Lu, Guang; Bu, Qijing*; Liu, Qingyun*, FeNiSn-based perovskite hydroxide modified Ti-Fe2O3 with interfacial regulation for photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 479. (一区)
4. Wang, Liming; Liu, Zhenchao; Yang, Qi; Xie, Min*; Liu, Qingyun*, Sustainable Phthalocyanine-Modified TiO2 Nanofilm as a Light-Operated Nanozyme for Colorimetric Determination of L-Penicillamine. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024, 12 (6), 2203-2211. (一区)
5. Wang, Zhiwei; Jia, Yuqi; Wang, Xiajuan; Liu, Yanhong; Liu, Qingyun*, Fe(II) Induced Porphyrin Nanoaggregates Assembled in the Liquid-Liquid Interface with Dual Enzyme-like Activity for Colorimetric Determination of Methimazole, Langmuir, 2024, 40, 23825-23836.
6. Xue, Ke; Li, Sha; Jia, Yuqi; Wang, Zhiwei; Liu, Qingyun*, Bringing Cerium Oxysulfate Clusters into Nanozymes by Saturated Fatty Acid Regulation for Oxidase-like Activity, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2024, 7, 17524-17532.
7. Gao, Lin-Na; Ma, Zimei; Wang, Liming; Liu, Zhenchao; Xue, Ke* ; Bian, Bing*; Liu, Qingyun*, Porphyrin functionalized montmorillonite Loaded Cu2O-Fe3O4 as a sustainable peroxidase nanozyme for colorimetric determination of hydroquinone, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2024, 690, 133834.
8. Qin, Kang; Chu, Ying; Xu, Chang; Li, Guijiang; Zhu, Xixi; Fan, Gaochao; Yang, Zhongdong*; Liu, Qingyun*, In situ Hg2+ improved the peroxidase-like activity and triggered "ON" the oxidase-like activity of yolk-shell Co3S4 microspheres for the detection of Hg2+, Analyst, 149, 824-835;
9. Gao, Lin-Na; Chu, Ying; Zhang, Ruizhe; Xue, Ke*; Liu, Qingyun*, Montmorillonite-supported Ru-doped CuBi2O4 nanozyme with enhanced peroxidase-like activity for sensitive determination of hydroquinone, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2024, 38, DOI:10.1002/aoc.7598.
1. Wei, Qiulian; Sun, Yunqiang*; Wang, Shan; Hu, Zunfu; Liu, Qingyun*; Zheng, Xiuwen*, Construction of highly dispersed Pt single sites and high-efficiency-heterocatalysis silylation of alcohols with silanes, Nano Research, 2023, 16(4): 4643−4649.(一区)
2. Pingping Hao, a Zhenchao Liu, a Zhiwei Wang, a Min Xie*b and Qingyun Liu*, Colorimetric sensor arrays for antioxidant recognition based on Co3O4 dual enzyme activities, Analyst, 2023, 148, 3843. (二区)
3. Yaru Liu, Pingping Hao· Liming Wang,· Guijiang Li, · Gaochao Fan, · Tao Wu,· Xixi Zhu,· Qingyun Liu*, N,N‑dicarboxymethyl Perylene‑diimide‑modified CdV2O6 Nanorods for Colorimetric Sensing of H2O2 and Pyrogallol, Microchimica Acta (2023) 190, 270.(二区)
4. Pingping Hao, Yaru Liu, Liming Wang, Xixi Zhu, and Qingyun Liu*, Nanozyme Sensor Array Based on Porphyrin-Modified CoMoO4 to Detect and Distinguish Biologically Important Thiols, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 1937−1947. (二区,2023-01-01)
5. Yaru Liua, Pingping Haoa, Zhenchao Liua, Guijiang Lia,c, Gaochao Fanc, Min Xieb,* and Qingyun Liua,*, Zinc Pyrovanadate Nanorods with Excellent Peroxidase-like Activity at Physiological pH for Colorimetric Assay of H2O2 and Epinephrine, Analyst, 2023, 148, 269. (二区,2023-01-16)
6. Yifei Fan, Renhe Huang , Qingyun Liu* , Quan Cao *, Rongbo Guo, Synthesis of zeolite A from fly ash and its application in the slow release of urea, Waste Management 158 (2023) 47–55.(一区,2023-03-01)
7. Kang Qin, · Xiaoshuang Shi,· Ying Chen, · Quan Feng,· Fan Qin , Rongbo Guo, · Qingyun Liu*, Enhanced bio‑affinity of magnetic QD‑P(St‑GMA)@Fe3O4 micro‑particles via surface‑quaternized modification, Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023, 30:64168–64178.(三区,2023-05-01)
8. Pingping Haoa, Yaru Liua, Shanmin Dongb, Gaochao Fanc, Guijiang Lia,c*, Min Xied,* and Qingyun Liua,*,Enhanced Peroxidase-like Activity of 2(3), 9(10), 16(17), 23(24)-Octamethoxyphthalocyanine Modified CoFe LDH for a Sensor Array for Reducing Substances with Catechol Structure, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 415:289–301(二区,2023-01-01)
9. Ying Chu , Bo Cao , Yisu Wang , Xixi Zhu , Guijiang Li, Zhongdong Yang*, Qingyun Liu*, Ru doping enhance the peroxidase-like activity of CeO2 nanorods and application for cysteine determination at physiological temperature, Colloids and Surfaces A 679 (2023) 132581.(二区,2023.10.13)
10. Shu Li, Zhenchao Liu, Ying Chu, Xiaohan Li, Qijing Bu*, and Qingyun Liu*, Enhanced Performance of Porphyrin-Modified CuO-Co3O4 Heterojunction as a Photoelectrocatalyst for Methanol Oxidation, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 31, 10863-10871 (二区,2023-07-25)
11. Shu Li, Haoran Wang, Yuanhao Li, Hui Yang, Xixi Zhu, Qijing Bu* and Qingyun Liu*, Enhancement of photoelectrocatalytic performance of copper cobaltate nanoflowers modified with 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4- carboxylphenyl)porphyrin for methanol oxidation under light,Dalton Transactions, 2023, 52, 3016(二区,2023-03-07)
12. Haoran Wang, Liming Wang, Yuqi Jia, Xiaohan Li, Hui Yang, Xixi Zhu, Qijing Bu*, and Qingyun Liu*, Engineering Lattice Planes of NiCo-LDH Ultrathin Sheets for Boosting Methanol/Ethanol Oxidation Performance, Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62, 28, 11256-11264(二区,2023-07-05)
1. Qijing Bu, Xiangwei Liu, Qifeng Zhao, Guang Lu, Xixi Zhu, Qingyun Liu*, Tengfeng Xie*. Unveiling the influence of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-carboxyl phenyl) porphyrin on the photogenerated charge behavior and photoelectrochemical water oxidation of hematite photoanode. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2022, 626, 345-354. (一区)
2. Qijing Bu, Qifeng Zhao, Guang Lu, Xixi Zhu, Yuexing Zhang, Tengfeng Xie*, Qingyun Liu* and Jianzhuang Jiang*. An efficient strategy to boost the directed migration of photogenerated holes by introducing phthalocyanine as a hole extraction layer. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2022, 9 (15), 3915-3923. JUL 26 2022(一区)
3. Jiajia Lian, Pei Liu, Qingyun Liu*. Nano-scale minerals in-situ supporting CeO2 nanoparticles for off-on colorimetric detection of L-penicillamine and Cu2+ ion. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 433.JUL 5 2022(一区)
4. Xixi Zhu, Hongyu Li, Tao Wu, Hui Zhao, Kaili Wu, Wenjing Xu, Fengjuan Qin, Wenxing Chen*, Jinlong Zheng* and Qingyun Liu*. In situ decorating the surface and interlayer of montmorillonite with Co0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles: A sustainable, biocompatible colorimetric platform for H2O2 and acetylcholine. Nano Research. 2022, 15, 9319-9326. JUN 2022 (一区)
5. Wei, Qiulian; Sun, Yunqiang*; Wang, Shan; Hu, Zunfu; Liu, Qingyun*; Zheng, Xiuwen*, Construction of highly dispersed Pt single sites and high-efficiency-heterocatalysis silylation of alcohols with silanes,Nano Research, 2022, Feb. DOI 10.1007/s12274-022-5097-5(一区)
6. Pingping Haoa, Yaru Liua, Shanmin Dongb, Gaochao Fanc, Guijiang Lia,c*, Min Xied,* and Qingyun Liua,*,Enhanced Peroxidase-like Activity of 2(3), 9(10), 16(17), 23(24)-Octamethoxyphthalocyanine Modified CoFe LDH for a Sensor Array for Reducing Substances with Catechol Structure, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022, (二区)
7. Xiaoyan Cao, Shuang Zhao, Xiangwei Liu, Xixi Zhu*, Yan Gao*, Qingyun Liu*. CeO2/Co3O4@N-doped hollow carbon microspheres with improved peroxidase-like activity for the determination of quercetin. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2022, 414 (16), 4767-4775.JUL 2022(二区)
8. Xiangwei Liu, Yunpeng Zhang, Zhenchao Liu, Guang Lu*, Gaochao Fan, Xia Kong, Guijiang Li* and Qingyun Liu*. PBA-MoS2 nanoboxes with enhanced peroxidase activity for constructing a colorimetric sensor array for reducing substances containing the catechol structure. Analyst. 2022.2022-Sep-26(二区)
9. Qijing Bu, Qifeng Zhao, Gaohao Sun, Qingyun Liu, Tengfeng Xie*, Boosting the photogenerated hole separation and injection of Ti-Fe2O3 by co-modifying carbon quantum dots and NiFe layered double hydroxide. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2022, 908. JUL 5 2022 (二区)
10. Hongyu Li, Peng Song, Tao Wu, Hui Zhao, Qingyun Liu, Xixi Zhu*. In situ decorating of montmorillonite with ZnMn2O4 nanoparticles with enhanced oxidase-like activity and its application in constructing GSH colorimetric platform. Applied Clay Science. 2022, 229. Aug 6 2022(二区)
11. Yaru Liua, Pingping Haoa, Zhenchao Liua, Guijiang Lia,c, Gaochao Fanc, Min Xieb,* and Qingyun Liua,*, Zinc Pyrovanadate Nanorods with Excellent Peroxidase-like Activity at Physiological pH for Colorimetric Assay of H2O2 and Epinephrine, Analyst, 2022, (二区)
12. Hui Yang, Xiangwei Liu, Kang Qin, Qijing Bu, and Qingyun Liu*. Enhancement Strategy of Photoelectrocatalytic Activity of Cobalt-Copper Layer Double Hydroxide toward Methanol Oxidation: Cerium Doping and Modification with Porphyrin. Inorganic Chemistry. 2022, 61 (19), 7414-7425.MAY 16 2022 (二区)
13. Qijing Bu, Haoran Wang, Shu Li, Guang Lu, Xixi Zhu, Qingyun Liu*. Ti-Fe2O3/perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid heterojunction modified with Co(OH)2 as cocatalyst for photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2022, 647. AUG 20 2022(二区)(二区)
14. Shu Li, Haoran Wang, Gaohao Sun, Fengyang Zhao, Hui Yang, Guijiang Li*, Xia Kong* and Qingyun Liu*. Enhanced Photoelectrocatalytic Performance of Porphyrin-modified Nickel Cobaltite for Methanol Oxidation Under Visible Light. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects(二区)
15. Shuang Zhao, Haoran Wang, Xiangwei Liu, Xiaoyan Cao, Hui Yang, Xia Kong, Qijing Bu*, Qingyun Liu. Enhanced electrocatalytic performance of N-doped Yolk-shell Co3O4 for methanol oxidation in basic solution. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects(二区)
16. 2. Fengyang Zhao, Baocan Zhu, Shu Li, Xia Kong, Qingyun Liu*. Bismuth-doped cobaltosic oxide as a noble-metal free electrocatalyst for the efficient methanol oxidation reaction. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2022, 131,104182-104191. FEB 2022(二区)
17. Yan Xue, Hongyu Li, Tao Wu, Hui Zhao, Yan Gao, Xixi Zhu*, Qingyun Liu. Pt deposited on sea urchin-like CuCo2O4 nanowires: Preparation, the excellent peroxidase-like activity and the colorimetric detection of sulfide ions. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2022, 10 (2). APR 2022(二区)
18. Baocan Zhu, Shanmin Dong, Zhenchao Liu, Yan Gao,*, Xixi Zhu, Min Xiec,* and Qingyun Liu,*, Enhanced Peroxidase-like Activity of Bimetal (Fe/Co) MIL-101 for Determination of Tetracycline and Hydrogen Peroxide, New Journal of Chemistry, 2022
19. Haoran Wang, Shu Li, Gaohao Sun, Guang Lu*, Qijing Bu*, Xia Kong and Qingyun Liu*. Trace W-doping Flocculent Co3O4 Nanostructures with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Performance for Methanol Oxidation Reaction. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2022,145,109984
1. Bing Bian, Xixi Zhu, Qiong Wu, Yue Liu, Shiwei Liu, Qingyun Liu*, and Shitao Yu*, Pt and ZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles Immobilized on Carbon for the Detection of Glutathione. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021, 4 (9), 9479-9488. SEP 24 2021
2. Xin Zhao, Shuang Zhao, Shu Li, Xiuxiu Yao, Xixi Zhu, Wei Chen, Gaochao Fan, Zhenxue Liu, Qingyun Liu*, and Kang Yue*, CoO Nanotubes Loaded on Graphene and Modified with Porphyrin Moieties for Colorimetric Sensing of Dopamine. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021, 4 (9), 8706-8715. SEP 24 2021
3. Xiangwei Liu, Xiaoyan Cao, Shuang Zhao, Zhenxue Liu*, Guang Lu* and Qingyun Liu *, N, S co-doped Co3O4 core-shell nanospheres with high peroxidase activity for the fast colorimetric detection of catechol. Anal Methods 2021, 13 (44), 5377-5382. NOV 18 2021
4. Hui Yang, Tingting Guo, Kang Qin, and Qingyun Liu*, Different Interlayer Anions Controlled Zinc Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for Ethanol Electrocatalytic Oxidation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021, 125 (45), 24867-24875. NOV 18 2021
5. Qiaoxia Zhang, Xiangwei Liu, Haoran Wang, Qing Liu*, Qingyun Liu* and Xianxi Zhang, Photoelectrochemical thrombin biosensor based on perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid and Au co-functionalized ZnO nanorods with signal-off quenching effect of Ag@Ag2S. Analyst 2021, 146 (3), 855-863. FEB 7 2021
6. Xiaohan Chen, Ran Zhao, Ziqiang Liu, Shutao Sun, Yingang Ma, Qingyun Liu*, Xia Sune,* Lei Liu*, Redox deracemization of α-substituted 1,3-dihydroisobenzofurans. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2021, 32 (7), 2305-2308. JUL 2021
7. Xia Kong, Rufeng Yang, Yongguang Li, Ying Wei, Yilan Sun, Haoyuan Lyu, Dexin Yin, Xixi Zhu, Guang Lu*, Qingyun Liu*, Co3O4-binuclear phthalocyanine nanocomposites with enhanced peroxidase-like activity for sensitive detection of glutathione. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2021, 615.
8. Xiangwei Liu, Jiajia Lian, Yifei Fan, Zhenxue Liu, Huijuan Li*, Qingyun Liu*, Kang Yue*, Si doping and perylene diimide modification contributed to enhancement of peroxidase-like activity of ceria for constructing colorimetric sensing platform of hydroquinone. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2021, 626, 127022. OCT 5 2021
9. Qiaoxia Zhang, Weikang Li, Fengyang Zhao, Chang Xu, Gaochao Fan, Qingyun Liu*, Xianxi Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Electrochemical sandwich-type thrombin aptasensor based on silver nanowires& particles decorated electrode and the signal amplifier of Pt loaded hollow zinc ferrite. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2021, 611, 125804. FEB 20 2021
10. Jifu Sun*, Yuqi Hou, Ying Dai, Qianwen Wu, Yu Dong, Jianzhang Zhao*, Qingyun Liu*, Fluorescence quenched and boosted by a-PET effect and host−guest complexation respectively in BODIPY-functionalized pillar[5]arene. Dyes and Pigments 2021, 188, 109163.
11. Jiajia Lian, Yanlei He, Ning Li, Pei Liu*, Zhenxue Liu, and Qingyun Liu*, Magnetic Flower-like Fe-Doped CoO Nanocomposites with Dual Enzyme-like Activities for Facile and Sensitive Determination of H2O2 and Dopamine. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60 (3), 1893-1901. FEB 1 2021
12. Xiaoyan Cao, Hui Yang, Qiulian Wei, Yanting Yang, Mei Liu*, Qingyun Liu*, Xianxi Zhang, Fast colorimetric sensing of H2O2 and glutathione based on Pt deposited on NiCo layered double hydroxide with double peroxidase-/oxidase-like activity. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2021,123, 108331. JAN 2021
13. Qian Ding, Zhiyang Guo, Wei Chen*, Hao Yu, Xixi Zhu, Qingyun Liu*, Min Fu*, Biomass activated carbon-derived imprinted polymer with multi-boronic acid sites for selective capture of glycoprotein. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2021, 596, 225-232.
14. Min Fu*, Zhihao Zhang, Zitong Zhu, Qingru Zhuang, Wei Chen*, Hao Yu, Qingyun Liu*, Facile synthesis of strontium ferrite nanorods/graphene composites as advanced electrode materials for supercapacitors. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2021, 588, 795-803.
15. Hui Xu, Hongyuan Shang, Qingyun Liu*, Cheng Wang, Junwei Di*, Chunyan Chen, Liujun Jin, Yukou Du*, Dual mode electrochemical-photoelectrochemical sensing platform for hydrogen sulfide detection based on the inhibition effect of titanium dioxide/bismuth tungstate/silver heterojunction. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2021, 581 (Pt A), 323-333.
16. Zitong Zhu, Fan Gao, Zhihao Zhang, Qingru Zhuang, Hao Yu, Yongqing Huang*, Qingyun Liu*, Min Fu*, Synthesis of the cathode and anode materials from discarded surgical masks for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2021, 603, 157-164.
17. Min Fu*, Qingru Zhuang, Zitong Zhu, Zhihao Zhang, Wei Chen*, Qingyun Liu*, Hao Yu, Facile synthesis of V2O5/graphene composites as advanced electrode materials in supercapacitors. J. Alloys Compd. 2021, 862, 158006.
18. Min Fu*, Zitong Zhu, Zhihao Zhang, Qingru Zhuang, Fan Gao, Wei Chen*, Hao Yu, and Qingyun Liu*, Microwave assisted growth of MnO2 on biomass carbon for advanced supercapacitor electrode materials. Journal of Materials Science 2021, 56 (11), 6987-6996.
19. Fengyang Zhao, Hui Yang, Kang Qin, Guangwen Cui*, Qingyun Liu*, Three-dimensional heterogeneous copper cobalt phosphides Nanoflowers for enhancing catalytic performance for electro-oxidation of methanol. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 2021, 126, 244-251. SEP 2021
20. Yanlei He, Ning Li, Xiangwei Liu, Wei Chen, Xixi Zhu, Qingyun Liu*, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-carboxyl phenyl) porphyrin-functionalized urchin-like CuCo2O4 as an excellent artificial nanozyme for determination of dopamine. Microchim. Acta 2021, 188 (5), 171.
21. Shuai Han, Xiaohan Chen, Yifei Fan, Yuexing Zhang, Xia Kong,* Zhenxue Liu, Qingyun Liu * and Xianxi Zhang, The excellent peroxidase-like activity of uniform CuCo2O4 microspheres with oxygen vacancy for fast sensing of hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid. New J. Chem. 2021, 45 (4), 2030-2037. JAN 28 2021
22. Shuang Zhao, Hui Yang, Yaru Liu, Yaodong Xing, Guangwen Cui* and Qingyun Liu *, Cu-Doped Co3O4 microstructure as an efficient non-noble metal electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation in a basic solution. New J. Chem. 2021, 45 (25), 11245-11252. 2021,7,7
23. Baocan Zhu, Fengyang Zhao, Pingping Hao, Hongguan Yu, Renxia Jiang*, Qingyun Liu* and Zhenxue Liu*, A fast phosphate colorimetric sensor based on MoS2/UiO-66 (Fe/Zr) nanocomposites as oxidase-/peroxidase-like nanoenzymes. New J. Chem. 2021, 45 (42), 19671-19677.
24. Wei Chen*, Zhiyang Guo, Qian Ding, Chenxing Zhao, Hao Yu, Xixi Zhu, Min Fu*, Qingyun Liu*, Magnetic-graphene oxide based molecular imprinted polymers for selective extraction of glycoprotein at physiological pH. Polymer 2021, 215, 123384.
25. Yanlei He, Ning Li, Weikang Li, Xianxi Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Zhenxue Liu, Qingyun Liu*, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-carboxylphenyl) porphyrin functionalized NiCo2S4 yolk-shell nanospheres: Excellent peroxidase-like activity, catalytic mechanism and fast cascade colorimetric biosensor for cholesterol. Sens. Actuators, B 2021, 326, 128850. JAN 1 2021
26. Chunqiao Jin, Pengbo Zhai, Yi Wei, Qian Chen, Xingguo Wang, Weiwei Yang, Jing Xiao, Qianqian He, Qingyun Liu*, and Yongji Gong*, Ni(OH)2 Templated Synthesis of Ultrathin Ni3S2 Nanosheets as Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Overall Water Splitting. Small 2021, 17 (33), e2102097. AUG 2021
1. Qiaoxia Zhang, Gaochao Fan, Wei Chen, Qing Liu, Xiao Zhang, Xianxi Zhang and Qingyun Liu*, Electrochemical sandwich-type thrombin aptasensor based on dual signal amplification strategy of silver nanowires and hollow Au-CeO2, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 150 (2020) 111846
2. Hui Yang, Dexin Yin, Linna Gao, Xiao Zhang, Xianxi Zhang and Qingyun Liu*, 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-carboxylphenyl)porphyrin modified nickel-cobalt layer double hydroxide nanosheets as enhanced photoelectrocatalysts for methanol oxidation under visible-light, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 561 (2020) 881–889.
3. Chunqiao Jin, Jiajia Lian, Yan Gao, Kangkang Guo, Kaili Wu, Linna Gao*, Xianxi Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Qingyun Liu*, Si Doped CoO Nanorods as Peroxidase Mimics for Colorimetric Sensing of Reduced Glutathione, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 16, 13989-13998.
4. Xin Zhao, Kaili Wu, Haoyuan Lyu, Xianxi Zhang, Zhenxue Liu, Gaochao Fan, Xiao Zhang, Xixi Zhu, and Qingyun Liu*, Porphyrin functionalized Co(OH)2/GO nanocomposites as an excellent peroxidase mimic for colorimetric biosensing, Analyst, 2019, 144, 5284–5291.
5. Jiajia Liana,ǂ, Pei Liua,ǂ, Chunqiao Jina, Zhiqiang Shic, Xiliang Luob and Qingyun Liua,*, Perylene diimide-functionalized CeO2 nanocomposite as a peroxidase mimic for colorimetric determination of hydrogen peroxide and glutathione, Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186, DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3439-0
6. Yanan Dinga, Hao Liua, Lin-Na Gaoa, Min Fua, Xiliang Luob, Xiao Zhangb, Xianxi Zhangc, Rong-Chang Zengd,* and Qingyun Liua,e,*, Fe-doped Ag2S with excellent peroxidase-like activity for colorimetric determination of H2O2, J alloy compd, 785 (2019) 1189-1197.
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10. Hao Liu, Ya-Nan Ding, Baochan Yang, Zhenxue Liu, Xiao Zhang, and Qingyun Liu*, Iron Doped CuSn(OH)6 Microspheres as a Peroxidase-Mimicking Artificial Enzyme for H2O2 Colorimetric Detection, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6 (11), pp 14383–14393.
11. Qingyun Liu∗, YantingYang, HuiLi, RenrenZhu, QianShao, ShanguangYang, JingjingXu “NiO nanoparticles modified with 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-carboxyl pheyl)-porphyrin: Promising peroxidase mimetics for H2O2 and glucose detection” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 64 (2015) 147–153. 一区, IF: 9.518
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13. Xiao Deng, Yishan Fang, Sha Lin, Qian Cheng, Qingyun Liu*, and Xiaomei Zhang*, “Porphyrin-Based Porous Organic Frameworks as a Biomimetic Catalyst for Highly Efficient Colorimetric Immunoassay” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 3514−3523. IF:8.097
14. Jiechao Ge , Qingyan Jia , Weimin Liu , Liang Guo , Qingyun Liu*, Minhuan Lan ,Hongyan Zhang , Xiangmin Meng , and Pengfei Wang* “Red-Emissive Carbon Dots for Fluorescent, Photoacoustic and Thermal Theranostics in Living Mice”, Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 4169-4177 一区, IF: 21.950
15. Lifang Sun, Yanyuan Ding, Yanling Jiang, Qingyun Liu* “Montmorillonite-loaded ceria nanocomposites with superior peroxidase-like activity for rapid colorimetric detection of H2O2” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 239 (2017) 848–856. 一区, IF: 5.667
16. Qingyun Liu*, Yanting Yang, Xintian Lv, Yanan Ding, Yaozu Zhang, Jingjing Jing, Chengxin Xu “One-step synthesis of uniform nanoparticles of porphyrin functionalized ceria with promising peroxidase mimetics for H2O2 and glucose colorimetric detection” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 240 (2017) 726–734. 一区, IF: 5.667
17. Leyou Zhang, Mingxing Chen, Yanling Jiang, Miaomiao Chen, Yanan Ding Qingyun Liu* “A facile preparation of montmorillonite-supported copper sulfide nanocomposites and their application in the detection of H2O2” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 239 (2017) 28–35. 一区, IF: 5.667
18. Qingyun Liu*, Pengpeng Chen, Zhe Xu, Miaomiao Chen, Yanan Ding, Kang Yue, Jian Xu, A facile strategy to prepare porphyrin functionalized ZnS nanoparticles and their peroxidase-like catalytic activity for colorimetric sensor of hydrogen peroxide and glucose, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 251, 339-348. 一区, IF: 5.667